Full List
Publications & Presentations
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P. (2012). Improving the definition of developmental delay. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 32(1), 87-88.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P. (2011). Comparison of the ASQ and PEDS in Screening for Developmental Delay in Primary Care Settings. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 32(7), 499-511. Available Here.
Limbos, M. M. (contributor) to: Sullivan W. F., Berg, J. M., Bradley, E., et. al. (2011) Primary Care of Adults With Developmental Disabilities. Canadian Consensus Guidelines. Canadian Family Physician, 57, 541-543.
McLarren, K. W., Severson, T. M., du Souich, C., Friedlander, R., Larstone, R., Stockton, D., Limbos, M. M., et al. NSDHL hypomorphic mutations: linking cholesterol biosynthesis and callousness. Submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine, February 2010.
Tremblay, L., Limbos, M. M. (2009). Body Image Disturbance and Psychopathology in Children: Research Evidence and Implications for Prevention and Treatment. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 5, 1: 62-72.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Roberts G. J. (2010) Nipissing District Developmental Screen. Patterns of use by Physicians in Ontario. Canadian Family Physician, 56, e66-72.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Roberts G. J. Patterns of Use of the Nipissing District Developmental Screen by Physicians in Ontario.
(Available Here - accessed October 27, 2008).
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P. (2009). Identification of Cognitive Impairment and Mental Illness in Elderly Homeless Men. Canadian Family Physician, 55, 1110-1.e1-6.
Limbos, M. M. (2005). Early identification of second-language students at risk for reading disabilities. Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto.
Limbos, M. M., & Geva, E. (2001). Accuracy of teacher assessments of second-language students at risk for reading disability. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34, 136-151.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Chan, C. K., & Kesten, S. (2000). Psychological factors and quality of life in lung transplant candidates and recipients. Journal of the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), 118, 408-416.
Limbos, M. M., & Joyce, D. P. (1999). Developmental screening using the Rourke Baby Record [Letter to the editor]. Canadian Family Physician, 45; 869-870.
Limbos, M. M. (1998). Accuracy of teacher assessments of ESL children at-risk for reading disability. Unpublished master’s thesis. OISE \ University of Toronto, Toronto.
(Available Here - accessed Februry 10, 2010)
Limbos, M. M., & Joyce, D. P. (1998). Health-related quality of life-What is being measured? [Letter to the editor] CHEST, 113 (4), p. 1147-1148.
Limbos, M. M., Chan C.K., Kesten, S. (1997). Quality of life in women lung transplant candidates and recipients. CHEST, 112 (5), p. 1165-1174.
Joyce D. P., & Limbos, M. M. (1997). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other childhood disruptive disorders. University of Toronto Medical Journal, 74(3), 156-161.
Limbos, M. M., & Joyce, D.P. (1997). Measuring behaviour in children with high cholesterol levels [Letter to the editor]. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 157, 372.
Book Reviews
Limbos, M. M. (2010) Language Disabilities in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity [A book review]. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Limbos, M. M. (2008). Childhood Maltreatment. Advances in psychotherapy [A book review]. Canadian Family Physician, 54, 744.
Limbos, M. M. (2005). Understanding Dissociative Disorders [A book review]. Canadian Family Physician, 51, 1520
Limbos, M. M. (2004). The bully, the bullied and the bystander [A book review]. Canadian Family Physician, 50, 1258-1259.
Limbos, M. M. (2000). A new perspective on Attention-Deficit Disorder [Review of the book Scattered Minds: A New Look at the Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder]. Canadian Family Physician, 46, 408.
Limbos, M.M., Joyce, D.P. Determinants of Screening for Developmental Disabilities in Primary Care. Presented at the 14th European Conference of Psychology, Milan, Italy, July 7-10, 2015.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P. Screening Practices for Developmental Disabilities and Autism in Canada: A Survey of Primary Care Providers. Presented at the Annual International Conference on Psychology, Athens, Greece, May 28-31, 2014.
Joyce, D.P., Grier, L., Limbos, M. M. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Screening / Diagnosis and Management of Psychiatric and Physical Co-Morbidities. Presented at the Family Medicine Forum, November 7-9 2013, Vancouver, BC.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P. Can Developmental Screening Tools Accurately Identify Children with ADHD in Primary Care? (2013). Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 5(2), 137.
Joyce DP, Limbos MM, Grier, L. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Screening / Diagnosis & Management of Psychiatric & Physical Co-Morbidities. (2012). Presented at the Family Medicine Forum Conference, November 16, Toronto, ON.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Deng, K. Accuracy of Screening Tests for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Primary Care Settings. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA, October 23, 2012.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D.P. Nguyen TK. Developmental Screening Practices in Canada: A Survey of Primary Care Providers. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(7-8), 765. Presented at the World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Halifax, NS, July 9-14, 2012.
Mendley, S., Hooper, S., Matheson, M., Shinnar, S., Gerson, A., Abraham, A., Limbos, M., et al. (2011). Executive Function in Children with Mild to Moderate CKD. Presented at the annual conference of the American Society of Nephrology, Nov. 8-13, Philadelphia, PN.
Joyce DP, Limbos MM. Comparison of the ASQ and PEDS in screening for developmental delay in children presenting for primary care. Presented at the Department of Family Practice Faculty Research Day, University of British Columbia, June 16, 2011.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D.P. Accuracy of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire in Screening for Developmental Delays in Primary Care Settings. Presented at the World Conference of Family Doctors, Cancun, Mexico, June 19-23, 2010.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P. Screening for Developmental Delays in Primary Care Using the Nipissing District Developmental Screen. Presented at the Canadian Pediatric Society Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 22-26, 2010. Paeditr. Child Health, 15(suppl. A), 69A.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P. A Comparison of the ASQ and PEDS for Screening for Developmental Disability in Family Practice. Presented at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID)Conference, Rome, Italy, October 19 -22, 2010. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23(5), 544.
Casson, I., Cheetham, T., Cameron, D., Grier, E., Hennen, B., Joyce, D., Limbos, M. M., Sullivan, B., Adults with Developmental Disabilities: New Guidelines and Tools for Your Practice. Presented at the Family Medicine Forum of the Canadian College of Family Physicians, Vancouver, BC, October 14-16, 2010.
Van Karnebeek, C.D., Atkins, P., du Souich, C., Rupps, R., Woodward, T., Demos, M., Boerkoel, C.F, Limbos, M. M. Dysfunctional Estrogen Signaling: A Novel Cause of Intellectual Disability. Presented at the American Society of Human Genetics Conference, Hawaii, USA, October 21, 2009.
Limbos, M. M., & Joyce, D. Screening for Developmental Disabilities, Autism, and Behaviour Problems in Primary Care Settings. Presented at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference, Hawaii, USA, October 20, 2009.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., & Kesten, S. (2008) Factors distinguishing lung transplant recipients with low versus high overall quality of life. Presented at the American Thoracic Society Conference, May 19, 2008, Toronto, Ontario. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; 177: A389.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., McIvor, A. Quality of life in a population-based survey of Canadian asthma sufferers. Presented at the Canadian Respiratory Conference, June 20, 2008, Montreal, Quebec.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Humbert, K. Cognitive impairment and mental illness in elderly homeless men. Presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, August 14-17, 2008, Boston, Mass.
Limbos, M. M., McDonald, K. Profile analysis of at-risk Francophone readers who completed the PIRLS in 2001. Presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference, July 12, 2008, Asheville, North Carolina.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Roberts, G. (2008) Patterns of use of the Nipissing District Developmental Screen by physicians in Ontario. Presented at the Canadian Pediatric Society Conference, June 25, 2008, Victoria, British Columbia. Paediatrics and Child Health; 13: 34A.
Limbos, M. M., McDonald, K. The Role of Individual, Home and School Factors in the Prediction of At-risk Francophone Readers in Ontario, Canada. Presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, August 14-17, 2008, Boston, Mass.
Limbos, M. M., & Geva, E. Early Identification of second-language students at risk for reading disability. Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading, Vancouver, British Columbia, July, 2006.
Limbos, M. M., & Geva, E. Towards the development of a screening measure for the early identification of learning disabilities in English as a second language students. Paper presented at the conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, Ontario, June, 2003.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D., Chan, C. K., & Kesten, S. (2000) Psychological functioning and quality of life in lung transplant patients. Paper presented at the conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, Ontario, July, 2000. Canadian Psychology 2000; 41:38.
Limbos, M. M., Lawson, G., Freeman, N., Gang, B., & Perlman, N. Assessment of mental illness in people with developmental disabilities. Workshop presented at the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities, Richmond Hill, Ontario. July, 2000.
Limbos, M. M., & Geva, E. Accuracy of teacher assessments of ESL children at-risk for reading disability: A two-year follow-up study. In L. Siegel (Chair), Learning disabilities across the life span. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association Halifax, Nova Scotia, May, 1999.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Chan, C.K., & Kesten, S. (1999) Determinants of quality of life before and after lung transplantation. In N.K. Leidy (Chair), Chronic lung disease: symptoms, function and rehabilitation. Poster discussion session conducted at the American Lung Association International Conference, San Diego, California, April, 1999. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; 159: A763.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D. P., Chan, C.K., & Kesten, S. (1999) A comprehensive examination of gender differences in the quality of life of lung transplant recipients. In Lung transplantation: Patient selection and quality of life in recipients. Poster discussion session conducted at the American Lung Association International Conference, San Diego, California, April, 1999. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; 159: A54.
Limbos, M. M. Cognitive-behavioural strategies for managing impulsivity in children. Staff development presentation at Interface, Thistletown Regional Centre. Toronto, Ontario, December, 1998.
Limbos, M. M., & Geva, E. Accuracy of teacher assessments of ESL children at-risk for reading disability. In C. Robinson-Singer (Chair), Evaluation of programs and practices which address the education of culturally, economically and linguistically diverse student populations. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Diego, California, April, 1998.
Heintz Grove, J., & Limbos, M. M. Identification and intervention strategies for people with co-existing developmental and learning disabilities. Presentation at the Conference of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities, Niagara Falls, Ontario, April, 1998.
Limbos, M. M., Joyce, D.P., Chan C.K., Kesten, S. (1998) Quality of life, FEV1, 6-minute walk test and psychological factors in lung transplant patients. In Quality of life. Poster discussion session conducted at the American Lung Association International Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April, 1998. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; 157: A749.
Preto, V., Haddad, C., Limbos, M. M., & Perry, A. Group intervention for siblings of children with autism. Research presented at the meeting of the Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities Research Special Interest Group, November, 1997.
Limbos, M. M., Chan, C. K., & Kesten, S. (1997) Quality of life in women lung transplant recipients. In Quality of life and functional status. Poster discussion session conducted at the American Lung Association International Conference, San Francisco, California, May, 1997. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; 156: A134.
Limbos, M. M., Cuddy, M., Gerber, G. J. (1993) Sexual abuse, perfectionism, and psychological adjustment in a university population. Poster session presented at the Canadian Psychological Association conference, Montreal, Quebec, May, 1993. Canadian Psychology 50: A33.
Community Speeches & Invited Lectures
Learning Disabilities Association of Vancouver: "Demistifying Psycho-Educational Assessment" (2012)
University of British Columbia Interprofessional Continuing Eductation - Health and Wellbeing of Children, Youth and Adults with Developmental and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders: "Primary Care Guidelines and Tools for Adults with Developmental Disabilities" (2010)
Learning Disability Association of Vancouver: “Understanding Special Needs Testing” (2010)
Espanola Family Health Team Parent Education Session: “Assessing Development in Young Children” (2008)
Espanola Family Health Team Multi-Disciplinary Rounds: “Developmental Screening in Primary Care” (2008)
News / Media Interviews
CBC National, Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna News (2011). BC study finds quick tests help spot developmental delays. Internet article and radio interview. Available Here.
The Vancouver Sun (2011). Asking the right questions can spot childhood developmental delays early: study, pages 1,8. Newspaper Article Available Here.
CTV National News (2011). Quick tests can detect developmental delays in children. Internet News Article Available Here.
Montreal Gazette (2011). Asking the right questions can spot childhood developmental delays early: study, front page. Article Available Here.
City TV News Vancouver (2011). UBC researchers find screening tests can detect developmental delays in preschool children. Television interview.
CKNW News (2011). Screening for developmental delays in children. Radio Interview Available Here.
Hanberg D., Mah, Sharon (Eds.). Colleagues: Drs. David Joyce and Marjolaine Limbos. The Bear Bones, Fall 2011: 4-7.
CBC Radio Vancouver Interview (Wilson Wong): "Back to School Anxiety in Children" (2010)
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Our objective is to help children realize their full potential through psychological assessment and treatment.